Well I apparently didn't use my camera enough in the fall because I don't have many photos of it. It's not that it wasn't eventful it just seems as though I took more pictures with my phone than with my camera. One of the major events was that we moved from our small apartment that we had been calling home for the slightly over a year, to a little white house that came up for sale and was too good of a deal to pass up. I'll have to do a post on it later when I actually take pictures of it with my camera...
Here is a photo I did take of myself with little Penelope peeking over my shoulder while we wondered through the conservation area outside of town.
Another occasion worth mentioning is my little sister M'lynn getting engaged!
Her and Taylor will be getting married this September and I'm excited to be a part of it!
Aren't they cute!
Next was the welcoming of a new little man to the Drudge family!
You can't tell from this picture but Jonah is pretty much the happiest baby ever! He is usually full of smiles and giggles. He's also huge. With 10 months between him and Penelope you'd think there would be at least some size difference. She may have a little height on him still but not much and he sure has some super cute chunkage!
After the fall came the long winter. With the long winter came piles (and piles, and piles) of snow!
Our backyard drifted in quite a bit and was deep enough to build some pretty deep tunnels.
We also had the opportunity to go hunting for sheds again; the antlers that drop off deer every year. My little possy included Hunter and Penelope.

We were successful at finding one good size antler this year.
Finally there was the arrival of spring and with it we added a new addition to our family. Miss Charlotte arrived April 1st around 5 o'clock in the evening weighing 6 lb., 6 oz. We're all just in love our new little doll.
So there's the quick version of what's happened over the last year. I will most likely go into more detail on some of these events as they continue to unfold.